We took a trip to Ireland last year, but it was just us. We knew immediately the kids would love it, so this time we brought the kids to Ireland! Day 1 We left the house Monday, August 14th about noon and arrived at Newark International Airport at about 2:30, breezed through security, and sat […]
What Married Life is Really Like These Days
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It’s funny how different marriage really is from our goals when we were young. I don’t know about you, but those fairy tale romances that continue forever are just not what actually happens around here. I’m going to give you a quick run down of what a regular day in our house looks like.
Tom and I are usually both up by 6 am. Of course, the boys are not far behind us. That’s because they’re sleeping in our bed. Don’t lecture me on getting our kids out of our bed. It’s what works for us right now. We’ll take sleep any way we can and this is how we do it.
We eat breakfast and Tom is on his way out the door around 8 am. Don’t worry, our breakfast is usually nothing fancy. We’re certainly not sitting down to french toast or eggs Benedict every day.
That leaves me in charge of these sweet little people we created. There are days that I may go crazy, but they’re mine and we really are blessed that I’m able to stay home with them.
Let’s skip ahead to when Tom gets home. As soon as he gets home, I breathe a big sigh of relief. You know, because yay! my partner is home to help me wrangle these crazy kids! I’m usually making dinner or getting ready to, when he walks in the door. That’s usually not very fancy either. My goal these days is getting dinner on the table (or counter because we eat in the living room).
After dinner, the boys need baths and to get ready for bed. Bed time is probably my least favorite. We do books and then they’re supposed to head to bed. That sounds great in theory, right? The reality though? That’s completely different. The boys fight us the whole time. We read them a story, there is screaming (from everyone), and then end up falling asleep in our bed watching a show with one of us in bed with them. Honestly, sometimes it’s both of us in bed with them and we’re usually the first ones asleep.
Once the boys are asleep, sometimes we put them in their own beds. More often than not, we leave them where they are and we’ll return to the living room. This means that it’s time for a good night treat for Mommy and Daddy.
We recently tried Skinny Cow Chocolately Dipped Ice Cream Sandwiches in Vanilla Bean Dream. Oh my… it’s yummy vanilla ice cream sandwiched between two chocolate wafers and veiled in a rich, chocolatey coating. In case you were wondering, Skinny Cow isn’t just for women, it’s an indulgence for all. Find them in a store near you!
Skinny Cow recently put out a new study showing the top indulgences that men “borrow” from women. You may be surprised.
I know Tom has been known to “borrow” some of my things. For instance, I had no idea that my husband would use my hair brush or using my shampoo, but he does. I don’t think he even has a comb anymore. And… he actually has “manly” shampoo and body wash in the shower, but still somehow opts to use mine.
The thing I learned early on in our relationship though; Tom has a major sweet tooth. When we first started dating, he would always order dessert to-go. This man really does love his dessert. In our house, we always have cakes and ice cream on hand. And trust me, they don’t last long. It used to kill me coming home from work to grab one of my stash in the freezer and find that he stole it! Now I just make sure there is enough for both of us to indulge!
Real married life these days: sneaking a dessert TOGETHER (from the kids), watching an episode of a show on Netflix (because who has time for a whole movie?), and curled up in bed by 9:30 pm. That’s our life these days and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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