We took a trip to Ireland last year, but it was just us. We knew immediately the kids would love it, so this time we brought the kids to Ireland! Day 1 We left the house Monday, August 14th about noon and arrived at Newark International Airport at about 2:30, breezed through security, and sat […]
First Solids & Messy Monday Link-Up
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I know that the old-school way of doing everything is always hard to break, but we tried this time. With Charlie, he had his first cereal the day before he turned 4 months old. Looking back, this was way too early. The boy had heart surgery at 7 weeks old and was just starting to really grow. Mommy milk was enough for him. With Owen, we decided we would wait until he was 6 months. Well, we gave him his first solids this weekend, two weeks before 6 months.
I’m pretty sure I’ve decided to skip cereal completely this time around. We barely gave Charlie cereal and since it has practically no nutritional value, we skipped right to bananas for Owen. I mixed about 1/4 of a banana with some breastmilk and mushed it all up.
I’m so glad we waited this long because not only is it better for him, but he caught on much quicker, meaning slightly less-mess!
He loved it!
Last week, Carissa at All in All linked-up a post on how to make Birthday Cake Batter Ice Cream!
Now it’s your turn to link up this week!

stacey says
Awww this makes me miss my son being little. Sniff! So cute! This made my ovaries hurt 😉 lol
Zakkiya Hamza says
Aw. My son is 7 months old and we started solids just when he turned 4 at the doctor’s suggestion. It is definitely very very messy but it’s so much satisfaction when the little one finishes it off.:D
Robin Rue says
Aww, that makes me miss my boys being babies so bad. Not that I want another or anything lol. I will just live vicariously through you!
shellthings says
What a cutie! We mostly used cereal for its iron content and mixed it with a fruit or veggie.
mail4rosey says
Oh my goodness, the only time people look absolutely adorable eating messy is when they’re little. 🙂 I have an ice cream cone mess my youngest got into that made a series of cute pics.
Veronica Solomon says
Too adorable!! I love messy babies. 🙂
Karen Koblan says
So cute! I remember those messy first meals with my daughter. Actually, she still is a pretty messy eater!
Amy Desrosiers says
Your son is way too cute! Those big blue eyes are gonna help him get away with a lot.
Jennifer Bullock says
What a little sweetie. Looks like he loved the solids.
Theresa says
We skipped those cereals too. The girls never liked them and they were messy. Looks like he is loving his first taste of bananas!
Beth@FrugalFroggie says
I so remember those days. Babies grow too fast!!
PamIW says
What a cutey and he looks like he is loving it. We waited with cereals until 6 months and went on to fruits very quickly.
Christie says
Adorable! I miss those days. Love the tongue reaching 🙂
Keikilani Jackson says
So cute! It was always fun to see the reactions to new foods. And then there was the occasional sneeze that sent a spray of peas across the room! HA!
Louida M says
Aww how cute! I remember those days when I was introducing my girls to solids too, they loved it!
valmg says
Awesome pictures! I remember those days well, what fun!
Mel Cole says
Awww that’s good that he’s eating well. Keep it up baby 😀
Krystal says
Very sweet boy. That’s great you’re taking pictures to remember these moments!
Dina Demarest says
Oh so sweet! I made my babies first foods using my food processor. Love moments like this.
savoryexperiments says
Great collection! I pinned a few!
Ashley M says
Awe too cute. Our first feeding was equally as messy.
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
It’s so much fun to start first foods. I’m glad day one was a success!
Lolo says
That is great! I think I am going to wait longer too to start food with my daughter.
Katherine Gilbert says
Your little guy is so adorable! He really seemed to enjoy it.
Amanda says
I love the faces lil ones make when they’re tying new solids. Such cute pics!