We took a trip to Ireland last year, but it was just us. We knew immediately the kids would love it, so this time we brought the kids to Ireland! Day 1 We left the house Monday, August 14th about noon and arrived at Newark International Airport at about 2:30, breezed through security, and sat […]
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The message at our church service this week was about not avoiding our fears. Sometimes the biggest lessons and blessings come from things we would have rather avoided (job loss, death, financial issues, illness, etc.). We need to remember to let go of our worries and know that God has a greater plan.
After the message, this video played. I’ve heard it before, but seeing the words at the same time really hit home.
“Blessings” by Laura Story
I know we haven’t had it easy, but we have an amazing little family and so much to be grateful for. I’m working on letting go and trusting God.
I hope this song and video find you well and remind you that sometimes “blessings come through raindrops”.
What blessing have you had come to you “through raindrops”?
Robin Rue says
I agree, but it’s definitley not always easy to let things go sometimes. I know i have a hard time with it often.
Debbie Lamb says
Letting go is so hard ~ but once you let a terrible situation go ~ it is amazing how you can more forward
SippyCupMom says
What a great video. I have to remember to let my worries go but it is hard. As far as the raindrops, my Grandma used to love the rain and whenever it rains, my family always says it is her watching out for us. It rained on my wedding, the birth of all 3 of my kids and all major events of my life.
brett says
I have to say, I agree. That is your grama coming through, loud and clear. My family very much believes in that happening.
Melissa says
With all the things that have happened in our life in the past 3 to 4 years I definitely agree that blessings come from things we would rather avoid. It is hard though sometimes to see those things especially when some of the letting go is dealing with loss which is the hardest part.
Louida M says
I started to let go and let God handle my battles. I been through a lot and thanks to God I had a breakthrough with my life and he is leading me on my journey. He never gives me too much I can’t handle.
valmg says
I can’t think of anything really. The closest would be the birth of my youngest but definitely not the same.
traceynicole says
This is a beautiful song. I always say the hardest rain brings the best rainbows.
Jenn @ The Rebel Chick says
Interesting point o view. It reminds me of the saying that god only gives us what we can handle.
Sue says
I have always felt that everything happens for a reason. Especially the bad things. I have seen it happen so many times.
homemakinghacks says
What a pretty song! I was laid off from my job of 13 years a couple of years ago, as scary as that was… it allowed me to develop a business with my blog. I like to think that when a door closes, a window opens!
Alissa Boyle says
I’ve never heard this song. Thanks for sharing! It’s a great message.
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
In the moment, I definitely don’t always see the good in things. Afterwards, I can often look back and see why things went the way they went.
Janeane Davis says
This reminds me of a saying from survivor of the Nazi atrocities that we should be thankful for the fleas.
Karen Koblan says
Very inspiring video. I guess I would have to say staying home to be with my daughter and having the time to blog.
Krystal says
I have never heard this song before. Thanks for the inspiration tonight. I sure needed it!
redheadbabymama says
I’m not religious at all, but I believe in karma. Put the good out there and it will come back to you!
Krystyn says
I really like this song. God is good all the time and even through the storm, he’s there.
Krissy Higgins says
I have had to learn to give it all to Him. Trusting him in the small and big things, and He has definitely blessed me. Thanks for sharing!
Debra says
What a lovely sentiment. Sometimes it takes the bad things in life or the disappointments for us to see what we should be grateful for an embrace as our blessings!
elizabethnorton says
ohhhhh I just listened to this song twice. I love it.
Mrsrkfj says
I adore this post! I always forget to take time to be thankful for the things I have rather than focus on what I don’t have. This was a grat reminder to be more mindful and thankful.
Desiree Morris says
Man. This really hits home for me. I’ve definitely had a lot of tears. There have been tons of blessings out of what’s happened, and I need to remind myself that every day.
April at Two Vhic's Blog says
This is a beautiful song! We always have to remember to be thankful. When God closes a window he opens a door, even if it is filled with sorrow.
Onica {MommyFactor} says
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in day to day life and take things for granted. So it’s good to be reminded to be thankful.
Prototype Mama says
This song is beautiful and this post really reminds us to be thankful what blessings that has came our way
Amber says
I am more thankful now than I have been in my life. Everything isn’t always perfect but each day is a blessing.
Stacie Haight Connerty says
I definitely know that we are blessed. We have a great family and a great life. 🙂
Dina Demarest says
Great video. We are blessed and it is so hard to let some things go. But it’s better for us in the long run!