We took a trip to Ireland last year, but it was just us. We knew immediately the kids would love it, so this time we brought the kids to Ireland! Day 1 We left the house Monday, August 14th about noon and arrived at Newark International Airport at about 2:30, breezed through security, and sat […]
Ocean City, MD Boardwalk
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I grew up going to Ocean City, MD during the summer. We would ride our bikes on the boardwalk, eat a donut at a shop no longer there, then spend the day at the beach. I still love OC, MD because it immediately brings back all those warm fuzzy feelings from my childhood. I hope that we can create some of those same feelings in our boys.
Even though we went for just an overnight trip at the end of March, there were plenty of people at the beach. It was a beautiful Saturday: sunny and in the low 70s.
We stopped right on the boardwalk and let Charlie take off his socks and shoes and indulge. Charlie loved playing in the sand and the only way to get him out was the promise of playing games “in a little bit”.
While walking, we saw a wedding taking place. How cool is that?
If you’re not familiar with Ocean Gallery, you need to check it out the next time you’re in Ocean City, MD. It is amazing on the inside and out. You’ll easily spend an hour wandering around inside. On the outside they have a “Batmobile”. This was always awesome to me when I was younger, so I was hoping it would have the same effect on Charlie.
And yes, he knew it was Batman’s car. This nerdy mommy is proud. We’re doing something right!
Saw this and had to snap a pic. It just makes me feel incredibly old that they called Goosebumps books “VINTAGE”.
Charlie said that a shark crashed into the building and said it was stuck. He then told us that we needed to help it get out. My boy has a golden heart.
We went to Marty’s Playground. In my opinion, this has always been the best arcade on the Boardwalk. I saw this pirate shooting game that both Daddy and Charlie could sit in. Daddy got to play a video game (he so rarely gets to enjoy them anymore) and Charlie thought he was playing. This was $1 well spent.
We finished our boardwalk day up with pizza at Dough Roller. It’s a staple at the beach.
Our Family Inspired Home says
Looks like a great place to visit! What a fun day!
Kathe says
Oh my goodness! This looks like so much fun Christina! The only place I have been in MD is the Baltimore airport LOL. But, I did have the very best hamburger EVER (BGR The Burger Joint) there so, good memories 🙂
Cathy says
I have driven through Maryland on my way to visit my son in Delaware. This looks like a great place my grandchildren would love. I will have to tell him about it as he is always looking for new and fun experiences for them… Cathy
Robin Rue says
I haven’t been there in so long! Your posts make me want to plan a trip back!
deb says
I’ve never been here, but it looks like a lot of fun. Anything that is near the ocean is worth a visit, imo.
Sue says
Looks like a cool place to visit. I think it is great when you can revisit places from your childhood and share them with your kids., Hopefully they enjoy it as much as you do!
Motoristin Mutsi says
Looks like very interesting place! I have grow in the city by the sea and I have to get to seaside time a time now when we are living inland. Waiting for warmer days…
aimeed says
That place looks awesome ! I love boardwalks!
Karen Koblan says
That looks like such a fun place to visit. It kind of reminds me of the Jersey Shore boardwalk. Love those types of trips!
Shop with Me Mama says
Oh wow! Looks like you all had a blast! We love the beach!
Alison says
I am from Maryland and have the opportunity to get down to Ocean City ever so often… a very fun place.
Chelsea says
That beach looks really gorgeous. And the boardwalk looks like lots of fun! So much to check out.
brett says
We’ve never been but I’ve always wanted to go. We are doing a few road trips this summer. HMMMM
shellthings says
Looks like you had a lot of fun! We live near the beach in NC and tend to just stay around here.
Aimee Smith says
WHat a fun day! I so wish we lived close to a beach!
Ashley M says
Seems like so much fun. I’ve been to Ocean City before and loved it.
Tess says
Makes me want to go to the beach. What a fun day!
redheadbabymama says
Goosebumps videos are already vintage???! *facepalm*
Jennifer Bullock says
Love this post, how much fun you packed into it too! My husband and I went to OC MD waaaaay back before we were married, fun times.
♡ Toodies Momma ♡ says
The Ocean Gallery looks incredible! That is something I would love to wander around in. I love anything artsy and creative like that.
April Mims says
That looks like a super fun place to visit. I love boardwalks and all the cool things they offer.
Melinda says
we’ve been to the beach recently but not the boardwalk. I’d love to take pics of cool places like that.
ToniPatton says
I’d like to visit there sometime. I love that they have the Goosebump books.
Brandy says
What a fun and beautiful family day. Thanks for sharing a piece of your family fun. Looks like happy times.
Janel C. says
We have never been to Ocean City – the boardwalk OR the beach. It looks like such fun times and I am so glad that you and your family had a blast. I enjoyed looking at the pics of Charlie – he is SO cute!
Tiffany C. says
There sure it a lot to see and take in there. I’ve never been. But hope to go one day when I’m back up that way.
valmg says
I’ve never been to Ocean City MD. We’re not all that far away, we’re in NJ.
Jenn @ The Rebel Chick says
Looks like you had a nice sunny day! Beach weddings can be fun to watch.
mail4rosey says
Looks fun! I love to happen across weddings too. We saw one in the park last year and all of us thought that was neat. 🙂
Keikilani Jackson says
What a cool place! Love your pictures. I love experiencing places like this with my family.
Dina Demarest says
that looks like so much fun! I’d love to visit the East coast beach like this one. We are always on the gulf.
Kecia says
Oh man, Goosebumps are vintage now?! I feel old! I love going back to places you loved as a child with your family. It makes me feel like I’m reliving it with my own kids and they get to see how mommy and daddy had fun back in the day!
SippyCupMom says
I have always wanted to visit here! Thank you so much for sharing the pics, how fun!
Amanda Smith says
How fun! Everyone looks like they had a great time!
Amanda Her says
Ocean Gallery looks SO COOL! Looks like you guys had a great time!
elizabethnorton says
I live near ocean city nJ!!!!! I love it here….I have never been there. Looks like a great time.
katie vick says
looks like you guys had a great time! my four year old would love the batmobile!
Autumn Bradshaw says
Oh wow – Ocean City looks awesome! I’d love to vacation there with my little family one day. The art is so fun! And a freakin’ Batmobile?! Even better!
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
So much character on the walls there. It’s been a LONG time since I went there!
Arlett R. Hartie says
Sounds like a lovely day 🙂
TheNewClassy says
That looks like a ton of fun! I saw Ripley’s in your pics! I love their attractions.
Stefani says
I have never been here. Looks like a fun place!
Kenda says
That looks like so much fun! We haven’t had a chance to hit the coast yet, but now that it’s warm we’re making plans for sure.
Rosie says
I never heard of Ocean City MD before. Looks like so much fun esp with the little ones!! You have so many nice memories from going here, an amazing place!