We took a trip to Ireland last year, but it was just us. We knew immediately the kids would love it, so this time we brought the kids to Ireland! Day 1 We left the house Monday, August 14th about noon and arrived at Newark International Airport at about 2:30, breezed through security, and sat […]
CP Toys: Multi-Ethnic Career Puppets
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*I was sent products below in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.*
CP Toys is a branch of US Toy Company that offers a line of great toys for kids that inspire creativity and promote educational fun. CP Toys is a family run business that has been offering fun toys since the 1950’s! When you’re looking for fun ways to get your child’s imagination flowing, check out
their great products!
I’d like to introduce you to the newest members of our house:
Charlie has, what I’ve been told is, an amazing imagination. He loves to make up stories about everything and anything. He will continue playing out his stories for sometimes an hour, which is like a lifetime in toddlerland.
In the mornings, Charlie gets as much playtime in with Daddy as possible before he has to leave for work. Lately, it’s been with our new puppet friends. The puppets also fit my husband’s hand, which was a pleasant surprise!
I love anything that gets the creative juices going for my munchkin. Charlie has had the Firefighter save people from trees, the policeman has chased “bad guys”, and the construction worker has helped him build a house. The puppets make him think about all the things that each career person would do and then his little mind just takes off from there.
I know the pictures are a bit blurry, but if you’ve ever met a toddler, you get it. These puppets are not just putting on shows, they run and jump and they do it all at toddler speed.
Something I know we look for in our house, as I’m sure many of you do, is durability. These are really nice quality puppets and I can vouch for the fact that their surface is washable. I had to clean a little dried jello off the Police Officer and I was so happy it came off with just a wet washcloth.
These are all of the Multi-Ethnic Career Puppets available.
You can purchase them as a set or individually:
Police Officer
Construction Worker
Mail Carrier
We can’t wait for our next playdate to share our Multi-Ethnic Career Puppets!
You can visit CP Toys on Facebook, on Twitter, or at their website.
Kathe says
These are so cute Christina! What a wonderful teaching tool!
Robin Rue says
I’m sorry, but all I can picture is the Village People right now. LOL. Those are wicked cute, but if I had them, we’d be singing YMCA the whole time LOL!
Christina Shirley says
well now I can’t get that out of my head!
Virginia @thatbaldchick says
How cute are those. I love that multiple ethnicity are represented.
Krissy Higgins says
My son loves playing with puppets! I am glad to see they have different ethnic backgrounds represented, it’s good to introduce kids to this early – so that way it’s not something they think about as ‘different’.
Hanan @ EAT. CRAFT. PARENT. says
Those are really cute puppets. That’s awesome they come in different ethnicities.
aimeed says
I run a home daycare and I know these would be a hit.. not only w daycare kids but with my kids.. even as old as 8!
redheadbabymama says
We have these exact toys in a magic/trick/halloween shop down the street. They have been on the shelves for so long, they must be a hit.
Krystal says
My son would love these. The chef is so cute!
A Mom's Take says
I love puppets! Those ones are so absolutely adorable!
Beth@FrugalFroggie says
I love puppets!! And I my kids love puppets. How fun!!
Mitch says
I love how every base is covered. FOr my family we would need a gay guy puppet though!
Debbie Lamb says
These are so cute! Perfect for play!
Karen Koblan says
Those are really cute puppets! Love how diverse they are. The firefighter puppet is too cute!
brett says
We have some VERY Big puppet fans in my house. My kids see a box and start creating puppet shows!
ToniPatton says
These are so cute. What a fun way for kids to have imaginative play
Susanna Barbee says
My little boys would love these! He loves puppets of any kind. I love they are made in the US; it’s extremely hard to find toys made in the US.
Janeane Davis says
I like that these puppets are multi-cultural. Often it is hard to find toys that look like my little ones.
Alesha @ Full Time Mama says
My kids would have a blast with these. I love that they are multi-cultural and also such diverse, fun jobs! And made in the US- awesome!!
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
I love that these really get his imagination brewing. You must get a huge kick out of his stories!
April Mims says
These puppets look like so much fun! My oldest daughter was so creative so she loved making up stories and plays and acting them out. Puppets would have been perfect for her.
mail4rosey says
That’s a great set of puppets. These would be fun for the classroom too.
Stacie Haight Connerty says
These are super cute puppets. My kids would love them and they would definitely be great in preschools.
Jenni E. says
How cute are these?!?! My little guy would love these. He loves puppets anyway, but these are just super cute!
Kristen says
Even though I am white. I think it is important for toys like these to be multi-cultural. Also I think they should have women police officers and make nurses!
Dina Demarest says
I love multiracial puppets. The kids need to know there’s people out there that look like them. I have an asian daughter so she appreciates it when something looks like her.
shellthings says
Those puppets are too cute! What a fun toy!
tessii1 says
Those look super cute. The kids would love to play with these.
AshleyWalkup says
I love CP toys and these puppets look very fun. My daughter makes every stuffed animal talk so I think she would love a real puppet.
Debi@The Spring Mount 6 Pack says
These are great. I have been looking for something to donate to my daughters school for an end of the year present. These are perfect.
Amanda Her says
My son loves playing with puppets. These would go over well in my house.
k says
puppets are so neat to have. we have animals – these look really nicely made too.
SippyCupMom says
What a great gift idea! It’s so important to teach children that people come in all colors!
Candy @ Candypolooza says
We love puppets!! These look so nice and well made! Great for the summer time too!
gogrowgo says
I love these! I also love that there are different genders.
Ashley M says
Those have to be the cutest puppets, love that they’re multiethnic and do not feed into gender steroetypes.
Mommy2jam says
My boys would love these! What a cute idea and I love that they look so nicely made as well.
Kecia says
These puppets are so cute! My son has a couple of hand puppets and loves to use his imagination with them.
Lolo says
Those puppets look like so much fun. My son would love it!
Cassie Tucker says
We had these at the childcare facility that I worked at and the kids loved them. They liked that there were different professions like a chef and that some of the puppets looked like them!
Amy @ Marvelous Mommy says
My girls would have a blast with these! I love all your photos!
Brandy says
What an interesting puppet collection. I love the idea of teaching kids about different ethnicity backgrounds. It’s important.
Christina Shirley says
How fun! They’re like a little version of bigger people puppets I enjoyed watching when I was a kid. I love the lil chef and police man.