We took a trip to Ireland last year, but it was just us. We knew immediately the kids would love it, so this time we brought the kids to Ireland! Day 1 We left the house Monday, August 14th about noon and arrived at Newark International Airport at about 2:30, breezed through security, and sat […]
Friday Favorites
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Happy Friday! We’re a full week into the new year and I’m finally starting to feel human again. The last thing to go is this nasty cough I can’t seem to shake.
Alyssa Milano
I absolutely love all of the support Alyssa Milano brings to the breastfeeding community. She’s doing her thing and helping to normalize it. She stood up for herself and the entire community of breastfeeding women to Wendy Williams this week. I will never understand why it’s okay for someone to wear a tiny string bikini that barely covers anything, but a woman feeding her baby is shamed.
My Birthday
I turned 30 yesterday. I feel like there’s absolutely no way I’m already 30. I did just graduate high school last week, right? I spent my day with my crazy boys and then my mom took me out for dinner and some shopping.
My New Camera
Around Thanksgiving of 2014, I bought myself a really nice point and shoot, a Canon PowerShot SX170 IS. It has been an awesome little camera and I’ll continue to use it when I want something small to get the job done.
This year, I’m upping my photography game and invested in a Canon Rebel T5. I’m cheap, like really cheap. I hate spending so much money on a single item. I was immediately overwhelmed and regretted my purchase as I was pulling it out of the box. That said, once I started snapping a few pictures, I fell in love. What a difference! I am so excited to start taking better pictures. I was even able to snap a few pictures of the kids where they’re not a blurry mess!
Social Media on the Sand
You’ve seen some of our favorite pictures from Beaches Turks & Caicos and we’ve shared about Baking Cookies with Cookie Monster at Beaches, but now… Social Media on the Sand has released the recap video of the event. It was absolutely amazing and I’m hoping to be invited again this year!
I spotted myself several times in the video!
Charlie started soccer this past Sunday and he absolutely loves it! I played volleyball, softball, and a little basketball growing up, but never played soccer. I knew it would be perfect for Charlie’s energetic self with all of the running and kicking.
Before we got there on Sunday, he kept insisting he didn’t like soccer and that he didn’t want to go. As soon as he got out on that field though, his little face lit up and he was so excited. That is exactly what a mom wants to see. When we got home from the first day, I ordered a soccer backpack, which is the perfect size to hold Charlie’s uniform shirt, his shin guards, his soccer ball, a drink, and a few other things.
What are some things you’re loving this week?
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