We took a trip to Ireland last year, but it was just us. We knew immediately the kids would love it, so this time we brought the kids to Ireland! Day 1 We left the house Monday, August 14th about noon and arrived at Newark International Airport at about 2:30, breezed through security, and sat […]
Baking Cookies with Cookie Monster at Beaches
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Back in October, we vacationed at Beaches Turks & Caicos Resort Villages and Spa. I knew from doing my research before we left that there were some activities with Sesame Street characters that the boys would absolutely love! One of them was Baking with Cookie Monster.
As you know, Charlie absolutely loves helping in the kitchen and Owen loves doing anything everyone else is doing. I was so excited that the boys were going to have a chance to bake cookies with Cookie Monster! I mean, how cool is that?
I had conference sessions scheduled for the time they were doing the activity at Camp Sesame, but they were doing it again later in the day (outside of Camp Sesame). Lucky for me, our session ended earlier than anticipated and I ran over to Camp Sesame in time to catch the whole thing!
When I got there, the kids were rolling out some dough. I was surprised to see Owen in the same group as Charlie, but the babies were napping and Owen runs on more of a Charlie schedule, so he got to hang with the big kids.
Inside the bigger playroom, there were several tables set up for cookie stations. Each kid had a ball of dough, some chocolate chips, and a few cookie cutters within reach. Perfect for a cookie playdate!
The excitement of Cookie Monster’s arrival is something you can only imagine!
Once Cookie Monster arrived, the kids sang a song for him and blew him out of his chair! Owen was all about hugging Cookie Monster and trying to talk to him. And like all of the other characters we saw at Beaches, they never seemed to mind!
After the song, the kids were instructed to make two cookies each: one for Cookie Monster and one for themselves.
Owen was seriously concentrating on his cookies, even with Daddy and I there watching! Neither of the boys seemed to mind we were in the room. Camp Sesame is that awesome!
After the kids had their cookies all ready, they were given to Cookie Monster for his magic oven. After a few minutes, Cookie Monster came back with baked cookies!
Notice those cookies he brought back look nothing like the cookies the kids sent to the oven? I thought it was pretty ingenious really because the kids had been playing with the dough and they didn’t mark which cookie belonged to which child.
Apparently what happened was Cookie Monster ate all of those hot, fresh cookies as soon as they came out of the oven! Don’t worry though, Cookie Monster got in trouble from the Camp Sesame Staff. And lucky for Cookie Monster, he brought reinforcements with the wrapped and ready to eat cookies!
While the kids were sad Cookie Monster ate their cookies, they didn’t seem to mind for too long! And since Daddy and I were there, we snagged a couple of pictures with Cookie Monster!
We received a discounted stay for our attendance at Social Media on the Sand. However, all opinions are my own.
I am hosting Mini Chef Mondays along with 11 fabulous bloggers!
Be sure to check out each of their Mini Chef posts as well. We would love it if you would share your Mini Chef posts with us each week, too! Follow along socially and join in on the fun by using our hashtag #MiniChefMondays to share creations your mini chef created in the kitchen. Additionally, if you have a kid-friendly recipe that kids can easily recreate link up! Don’t have a blog? Share the URL of your instagram photo in our linky below.
- Crispy White Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge // Courtney’s Sweets
- Snowman Cheeseball // Momma Lew
- Peppermint Almond Bark Recipe with Pretzels // Baby Loving Mama
- Dye Free Mini Red Velvet Cake Recipe // We’re Parents
- Rice Krispie Treat Presents // Frugal Novice
- Tasting Cooking Games for Kids // Eating Richly
- Magic Reindeer Food Recipe // Giggles, Gobbles and Gulps
- An Online Cooking School for Kids! // Step Stool Chef
- 3 Ingredient Apple Fruit Leather // Vegging at the Shore
- Baking Cookies with Cookie Monster at Beaches // Mom’s Messy Miracles
- 6 Must Have Kitchen Tools When Cooking with Kids // O’Boy! Organic
- Christmas Cookies for Your Dog! // Can’t Google Everything
Rachel says
Super cute and fun activity. I would love to take my family to a Beaches resort someday.
Dana Rodriguez says
How cute! Looks like they had so much fun!