We took a trip to Ireland last year, but it was just us. We knew immediately the kids would love it, so this time we brought the kids to Ireland! Day 1 We left the house Monday, August 14th about noon and arrived at Newark International Airport at about 2:30, breezed through security, and sat […]
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I’m not sure what to write about for my first post. I’ll just tell you a little about my messy family of miracles. I married my best friend, it’s cliche, I know… but it’s true. We were married on a Monday, but the date was 8.9.10 and we thought that was pretty cool. Next thing we knew, we were expecting our first baby 9 months after our wedding! Talk about your honeymoon baby 🙂 Charlie was born 4.27.11 and completely changed our world. Then… in January 2013 we got an unexpected surprise and found out Charlie was going to be a big brother! Owen arrived 10.29.13 and once again, our life has been turned upside-down, but we wouldn’t have it any other way!
Ashley McLure says
Good luck with your blog!