We took a trip to Ireland last year, but it was just us. We knew immediately the kids would love it, so this time we brought the kids to Ireland! Day 1 We left the house Monday, August 14th about noon and arrived at Newark International Airport at about 2:30, breezed through security, and sat […]
Make Any Home Mom & Baby Friendly
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This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #HuggiesForHolidays #CVSHuggiesHeroes #CollectiveBias
How many houses do you visit over the holidays? How many of those houses have little ones in diapers? I know for us, most of who we visit over the holidays have kids that are out of diapers or are now kid-free houses.
Today I’m sharing a quick basket you can make and drop off at a house you’ll be visiting or keep at your own house for when friends of little ones pop by. This is such an easy way to make any home mom and baby friendly!
I know all moms carry diaper bags, but keeping them stocked and ready for all of the craziness that comes with the holidays does not always happen. I can’t tell you the amount of times that we’ve left home with an unprepared diaper bag or stayed somewhere longer than our diaper bag was ready for.
If you’re a house without kids, you probably don’t have diapers and wipes just lying around your house. This is a must to make your house ready for mom and baby visitors. To make sure you’re stocked for all cases, ask your mommy friends for a couple of diapers in various sizes. Grab a tube of diaper cream to keep with the diapers and wipes. Nothing is worse than needing diaper cream and not having any!
As far as wipes go, I think everyone can use wipes whether you have little ones or not. I picked up a few packs of Huggies Clutch ‘n Clean wipes from CVS. They’re in a really cute little clutch bag that’s actually able to just be wiped off. Huggies wipes are dermatologically tested, Mom approved and the #1 Branded Choice of Moms, so they’ll be a welcome surprise in your basket!
If you’re trying to visit with friends and family you don’t see too often, those little ones are going to need a little entertainment! Grab a few fun toys and books the next time you are at the store. Something simple like a toy car, baby keys, or a couple of teethers will do the job. This will make mommy and baby super happy!
And… everyone loves snacks! There’s no special brand that my kid’s loved as babies more than another. Honestly, any of those baby puffs will work great! Owen has been eyeing these up since I brought them home, so even at 2, he’s still a fan!
This is something that is so easy to throw together, but will make any home ready for all those moms and babies that are sure to be visiting this holiday season!
Being prepared for the holidays doesn’t just mean preparing for everyone that lives in your house, but also for everyone that might stop by along the way!
Who do you know that could use a basket with wipes and other baby supplies like this in their house?
Melanie says
This is such a great idea! It’s a good way to not have to take a stuffed our diaper bag, too! [client]